=== Please scroll down for english version. ===
=== والنسخة العربية. ===
Foto Ausstellung, Dia & Soundinstallation
Die beeindruckenden Ergebnisse sind in erstmals in Wien in einer Ausstellung zu sehen.
CrossRoads ist ein Projekt, das darauf aufgebaut ist, Menschen, die an verschiedenen Punkten einer Krise stehen, zusammenzubringen. Sie treffen sich an den Brücken ihrer Wahrnehmungen des Lebens.
Die beiden Fotografen und Projektkoordinatoren Loïs Simac und Tasos Markou hatten die Idee für dieses Projekt im September 2016.
Komposition: Christine Schörkhuber
Eröffnung: Do, 4.5. 19:00 – 22:00
5.5. – 12.5.
16:00 – 19:00
=== english version ===
Foto Exhibition, Dia & Sound Installation
The impressive results can be seen in this exhibition for the first time in Vienna.
CrossRoads is a project that aims to bring together people at different points of a crisis. They meet at the bridges of their perceptions of life.
The two photographers and project coordinators Loïs Simac and Tasos Markou started the idea in September 2016.
Opening: Thu, 4.5. 19:00 – 22:00
Opening hours:
5.5. – 12.5.
16:00 – 19:00
Opening: Thu, 4 May 19:00 – 22:00
Open hours: 5 May – 12 May 16:00 – 19:00
=== النسخة العربية ===
معرض صور، ضياء و تحميل الصوت
كان لتقاطع الطرق ورشة عمل للصور في مخيم سوفتكس Softex للاجئين في شمال اليونان، حيث يسعى اللاجئون حالياً إلى طلب اللجوء في أوروبا ويشارك الناس في تسالونيكي .Thessaloniki ويمكن رؤية النتائج المثيرة للإعجاب في هذا المعرض للمرة الأولى في فيينا.
تقاطع الطرق هو مشروع يهدف إلى تجمع الناس في نقاط مختلفة من الأزمة. فيجتمعون على جسور تصوراتهم للحياة.
المصورين ومنسقي المشروع : لويس سيماك Loïs Simac وتاسوس ماركوس Tasos Markou بدأوا الفكرة في أيلول 2016
المؤلف : كريستيني شوركوبر Christine Schörkhuber
الافتتاح : يوم الخميس: 4 – 5 – 2017 من الساعة 19:00 حتى الساعة 22:00
ويومي 5 – 5 و 12 – 5 من الساعة 16:00 حتى الساعة 19:00
العنوان :
Liebenberggasse 1
1010 Wien
‘CrossRoads‘ is a project celebrating the collaboration of an international community in Thessaloniki, started by a Greek photographer Tasos Markou and Loïs Simac a photographer from France. The project brings together refugees with people from different nationalities who were in Thessaloniki during the harsh winter of 2016/17. It was an initiative aimed at integrating different communities and also at documenting life in the city from contrasting perspectives. The group comprised of residents of Softex camp, both Greek and Turkish residents of the city and a Finnish volunteer.
The project set out to empower the photographers, by providing them with a platform to express themselves and communicate what life in Thessaloniki has been like for them. Each individual was an equal within the group and ideas and images were considered respectfully and given encouragement by all of those involved. ‘Crossroads’ was a way of documenting the refugee crisis and situation in Greece from an insider’s point of view, giving a voice to those involved to be able to tell their story.
The group met twice weekly; one session on photographic theory, hosted by the University and the other, focussed on practical work in the field. The participants began by learning the basics of photography, camera-work and composition, informed by the work of professionals. They were then taught how to develop photos in a dark room. Field sessions were held all around the city and, at times, within Softex camp. At first, practical exercises were set, to improve their camerawork. When they became more confident, they were encouraged to take the lead in creating their own work.
As well as documentary-style images, the group experimented with devised work and their staged photos give us a view into who they are, their hopes and feelings of identity in the world. The group worked together to complete the staged photos, helping to bring each individual’s piece to life. All the members were given cameras to take away from the workshop, so that they had this continuous outlet for expression and were also able to practice the skills they had gained. Some of the photos taken are incredibly intimate and the standard of photography is impressive.
The project provides a stable, long-term activity for those currently seeking asylum or re-location, while staying in the Softex camp. It has spanned the last three months and is now in its final stages, approaching the culmination of an exhibition.
The photos demonstrate both the creative and the emotional journey they have been through and document the skill and the artistic development of these photographers. They have created interesting and emotive work and have gained valuable experience and skills along the way.
From a total of over ten thousand photos, the group’s chosen cut of seventy take people on the journey from the camp, through the winter, the city of Thessaloniki and finally to expressive personal shots, giving a revealing insight into the people behind the lens.
The work is now being assembled into the final story that we will be ready to exhibit from April on. The exhibition will run for a week in Thessaloniki following an opening event bringing together present participants and future collaborators, the public, and the network of people involved locally in the humanitarian field.
The seventy photos chosen for exhibition will be accompanied by a written background to provide context and give a unique insight into these contrasting perspectives, united through location. The project hopes to take the exhibition to a wider audience and to create a book with the background text and creative accompaniments included in the languages of the different participants.